Friday, November 4, 2011

One Slide Projects

David Ricardo
- didn't want the working class to escape poverty
Monopolies and Regulations
- if there are too many businesses, other companies would not be able to compete and prosper
- 1876 inspired by Morse Code, big invention progressed
James Watt and the Steam Engine
- improved steam engine by having less waste of energy, improved power, and efficiency
The Second Agricultural Revolution
- 18th century improved quality and quantity of farm products (crop rotation, mixing soils, Dikes)
Enclosure System
- rich land-owners would take over land formerly shared by peasants
- farm laborers thrown out of work and forced off land
Darby Family and Iron
- new ways to produce iron
- coal to smelt iron (less expensive, better quality)
Capital, Enterprise, and Entrepreneurs
- invest in enterprises and manage financial risks in starting businesses
Putting-out System
-raw cotton distributed to families to spin into thread
Stench, Sickness, & Urbanization
- rapid urbanization > go to city to work, no place to live
- no sanitary place to live (diseases spread)
The Industrial and Working Classes
- working> owned and operated factories, mines, railroads
Factory Workers & Conditions
- treated with disrespect, harsh conditions
- owners only cared for profit and exploited workers
Miners Conditions
- more coal and iron but worse conditions
- flooding, explosions, collapsing tunnels, lung disease
Thomas Malthus
- British economist thought population rising would lead to food supplies stopping
- idealistic views of Communism by Marx and Engles
- a redibution of wealth and equalizing social status
Economic Systems
- capitalism - allows individuals to exchange things
- central government - planned by government
- mixed economy - free enterprise and socialist characteristics
Centers of Industry in 1871
- an increase of manufacturing
Henry Bessemer and Founding of Steel
- steel better than iron since its stronger and lighter than iron making it easier to transport
Michael Faraday and Thomas Edison
- Faraday created simple electric motor and a dynamo
- Edison made electric light bulb
Interchangeable Parts and Assembly Line
- identical parts can replace each other
- belt that moves parts of a product
Sidewalks, Sewers, Skyscrapers, and Slum Conditions
- paved streets made urban area livable
- sewage made cities healthier
- urban life for poor - crammed into single room
Labor Unions Begin To Grow
- associations of workers dedicated to maintaining safer work environments
- professional standards for members
Causes and Effects of the Industrial Revolution
- population growth
- Improved technologies
- Strong, stable governments
- new sources of energy
Lure of City/Standards of Living
- measures quality and availability of necessities and comforts in a society
Electricity Changes the World
- advanced technologies

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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