Tuesday, December 13, 2011

11:4 Questions

A.P.C. pg. 374 #1-2
1. It symbolizes the control of the other countries over Germany.

2. The artist was all for the treaty.

Assessment pg. 374 #1,3,4
1. pandemic : spread of disease across a large area
reparations : payments for war damage
radicals : people who wanted to make extreme changes
collective security : system when a group of nations acts as one to preserve the peace of all
mandate : territories administered by Western powers

3. Europe, in general, was happy they won the war. Germany, however, was distraught due to the reparations they have to pay.

4. Self-determination led to the creation of Poland, the Baltic states and Yugoslavia. However, treaties ignored non European people's rights.
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Versailles Treaty: Success or Failure?

The Versaille Treaty was both a success and a failure because
1. It worked for a small amount of time.
2. It was the first attempt to making a group to preserve the world peace.
3. It failed due to the second world war.
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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Word War I - Video Footage

1. Terrified
2. Proud
3. Overwhelmed
4. Eager
5. Scatterbrained

1. Exhausted
2. Anguish
3. Fear
4. Hardships
5. Excited
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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

"All Quiet on the Western Front"

1. The silence was overwhelming him. He felt bad for killing him so he felt obligated to talk to the dead French soldier and apologize.

2. He means your eyes are opened to realization too late.
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"Life in the Trenches"

1. A soldier could just be in a trench and a random bomb shell-burst could kill them.
2. I think the rats would be the worst because they were uncontrollable and capable of eating human eyes and liver.
3. Men were free to read or write letters to send home. They also slept as much as possible.
4. Because they had the trenches which was the place they slept and ate. All the had to do was maintain it.
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11:2 Review Questions

1. stalement- important because battle lines stayed the same
zeppelin- easier way to bomb English coast
U-boats- did tremendous damage to Allies
convoy- used to protect warships
Dardanelles- connected Black Sea and the Mediterranean
T.E. Lawrence- supported Arab revolt
3. Both sides built big trenches for protection.
4. Better artillery helped fight off the enemies, poison gas made it easier to kill, and tanks let them navigate easier.
5. People would've have been hopeless and angry.
6. Nationalism brought death and deportation to Armenians in the Ottoman Empire.
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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Causes of World War I

1. Industrialism
*2. Imperialst rivalry
*3. Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
*4. Tangling web of alliances
5. Fear of British hegemony
6. Nationalism
7. Militarism and the Arms Race
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Nationalism Heightens - "This Place About To Blow"

Francis Joseph (Franz Joseph) inherits the Hapsburg throne
-Austria-Hungary : "multinational" empire
-Hapsburg family crushes nationalist rebellion
-ruled 1848-1916 (18 yrs old)
-Slavic unrest started on emperor's reign

The Ottoman Empire
"The Sick Man of Europe"
-Balkan nationalists revolve against Turks
-Russia >> north
-Austria-Hungary takes Bosnia-Herzegovina
-Balkans fighting OT and each other -- virtual "powder keg"

Reform, Repression, Revolution
-Russian peasants lived in poverty
-Russia's loss in Crimean War in 1856 showed how "backward" Russia was
-"Tsar" is a Russian version of "ceasar"--emperor
-tsars of 1800s claimed to be reformers
-reality --> repressive
*secret police, arrests
*strict censorship
*exiling liberals
*persecution of non-Russian groups in empire

Pogroms in Russia: Anti-Jewish Violence
-Russia: large Jewish population
-govn't blamed Jews for assasiantion of Alexander II so gangs committed pogroms against Jews
-more violence erupted when Jews blamed for Revolution of 1905
-fled to America and Zionism for safety

Revolution of 1905
-Russia lost Russo-Japanese War of 1904
-reform turns into bloodbath at Winter Palace
-"Bloody Sunday" discontent in Russia
-Tsar Nicholas II promised freedom & change
-arrests, pogroms, executions

Irish Potato Famine
-British rule: 3/4 of Irish farmland's crops sent to Britain
-fungal blight destroyed crops 1845
-wheat & oats fine & exported
-resulted to "Great Hunger"
-1 million died
-left for Canada and U.S. and emigrated

France bitter about Franco-Prussian War
-1871 starving Parisians reduced to eating rats and circus animals
-Socialists and conservatives class in civil war
-French looked for scapegoat and revenge

"White Man's Burden"
-idea in late 1800s that white man's obligation to civilize and Christianize the "dark peoples of the world"
-phrase titled poem by Rudyard Kipling
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Journal - "Alliances"

Someone who I thought was my friend thought she was in the place to answer or confirm a rumor about me and another person. It was definitely not true and she made things worse by saying she knew the whole story but she really didn't. She wasn't there. She wouldn't have known at all. She created a big deal with it.
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