Thursday, December 1, 2011

Nationalism Heightens - "This Place About To Blow"

Francis Joseph (Franz Joseph) inherits the Hapsburg throne
-Austria-Hungary : "multinational" empire
-Hapsburg family crushes nationalist rebellion
-ruled 1848-1916 (18 yrs old)
-Slavic unrest started on emperor's reign

The Ottoman Empire
"The Sick Man of Europe"
-Balkan nationalists revolve against Turks
-Russia >> north
-Austria-Hungary takes Bosnia-Herzegovina
-Balkans fighting OT and each other -- virtual "powder keg"

Reform, Repression, Revolution
-Russian peasants lived in poverty
-Russia's loss in Crimean War in 1856 showed how "backward" Russia was
-"Tsar" is a Russian version of "ceasar"--emperor
-tsars of 1800s claimed to be reformers
-reality --> repressive
*secret police, arrests
*strict censorship
*exiling liberals
*persecution of non-Russian groups in empire

Pogroms in Russia: Anti-Jewish Violence
-Russia: large Jewish population
-govn't blamed Jews for assasiantion of Alexander II so gangs committed pogroms against Jews
-more violence erupted when Jews blamed for Revolution of 1905
-fled to America and Zionism for safety

Revolution of 1905
-Russia lost Russo-Japanese War of 1904
-reform turns into bloodbath at Winter Palace
-"Bloody Sunday" discontent in Russia
-Tsar Nicholas II promised freedom & change
-arrests, pogroms, executions

Irish Potato Famine
-British rule: 3/4 of Irish farmland's crops sent to Britain
-fungal blight destroyed crops 1845
-wheat & oats fine & exported
-resulted to "Great Hunger"
-1 million died
-left for Canada and U.S. and emigrated

France bitter about Franco-Prussian War
-1871 starving Parisians reduced to eating rats and circus animals
-Socialists and conservatives class in civil war
-French looked for scapegoat and revenge

"White Man's Burden"
-idea in late 1800s that white man's obligation to civilize and Christianize the "dark peoples of the world"
-phrase titled poem by Rudyard Kipling
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