Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Congress of Vienna

-The Bourbons restored to thrones of Europe
-Louis XVIII was king in France
-Europe's leaders met in Vienna, Austria for a Peace conference
-Int'l meeting called was "Congress" and now called "Congress of Vienna"

-Congress 1st goal: LEGITIMACY
»Only rulers from families before French Revolution should return to throne
»Napoleon's brothers removed from Holland and Spain
»Louis XVIII accepted throne w/ constitution limiting powers and promised equality in France

-2nd goal: redrawing of Map of Europe
»France reduced to pre-revolution France
»Finland and more of Poland given to Russia
»Italy remained a mix Kingdoms, Republics, and Papal States

-3rd goal: preserve "Status Quo" (way the things had always been)
»Hardest to maintain -->French Revolution and Napoleonic reforms gave people taste of equality and freedom

-Metternich was the "architect" of the Congress
-Marquis de Talleyrand represented France since he survived the revolution after being Napoleon's minister and now represents Louis XVIII
-During the Congress of Vienna, Napoleon escapes from Elba!
-Congress continues, thinking Napoleon will be defeated eventually
-Congress sends the Duke of Wellington to assemble an army
-After 100 days in power, Napoleon is defeated at Waterloo in Belgium
-Louis XVIII comes back and policies of the Congress of Vienna are now in place
-Land and 700,000,000 francs needed to pay back for Napoleon's takeover Waterloo -Britain, Austria, Prussia, and Russia signed a quadruple alliance
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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