Thursday, September 22, 2011

The French Revolution

4 Phases of Revolution
1. National Assembly (1789-1791)
2. The Radical Phase (1792-1795)
3. The Directory (1795-1799)
4. Age of Napoleon (1799-1815)

National Assembly
-"Great Fear"
-Special privileges end for the Nobles
-Declaration of the Rights of Man passed
-"Liberty, property, and security"
-Gov't exists to protect natural rights
-Constitution of 1791 establishes a limited monarchy
-Monarchies of Europe fearing "The French Plague" get agitates by emigres, causing prep for war
-Continued financial woes breed discontent with people

Radical Phase
-Sans-culottes & Jacobins capitalize on growing discontent and take over the legislature
-rewrite constitution
-abolish monarchy
-set up a republic
-seize nobles land & abolish their titles
-have a trial for and execute Louis XVI
-go to war w/ Europe over revolution vs. monarchy

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